I'm sure some hardline right-wingers would love to reintroduce conscription to solve the graduate unemployment challenge. But alas, subjecting today's liberal-minded, globally connected graduates to enforced discipline and physical rigour would achieve little more than a revolt.
Young people today are simply more savvy and would never agree to be part of something they cannot personally support. Today we live in a multicultural society where people fight for human equalities and battle with injustice. Yet paradoxically we are presented with the perfect opportunity to reintroduce a new form of voluntary national service.
Over the next few weeks therewill be tens of thousands of young, enthusiastic, often idealistic, clear-thinking graduates entering the job market. Burdened by student debt and brimming with youthful "can do" attitude, this army of talent is there to be tapped.
Unfortunately however, many will find themselves flipping burgers or stacking supermarket shelves. Why, I ask myself, when there are potentially thousands of internship opportunities across the charity and social enterprise sector? The only problem is that the most needy of these grassroots organisations can't afford to pay.
It would not be difficult to extend some of the existing, excellent internship brokerage systems to include a new, big society internship programme.
Just think about it. "Big society interns" could be a kind of cultural land army, helping Britain become more self-sufficient in a time of crisis. Here's how it could work:
1. Existing internship brokers could encourage social, voluntary and community enterprises to list their needs as they transition into this new era.
2. The community and voluntary service movement would be well placed to help them define those roles.
3. The public-sector service commissioners in health, social care and education could fund these six-month placements at 50% of minimum wage.
4. The department for work and pensions could top up to intern pay with the benefits they'd pay them if unemployed.
5. Things get done and we embed within tomorrow's workforce commercial awareness and social conscience.
So perhaps Kitchener's "your country needs you" message is relevant today. There is a war to be won and it's one most graduates will understand and want to fight. We are in a corner as a nation, with debt, poverty and an ageing population all present problems today's generation can relate to.
Why pay graduates benefits to do nothing when with a little imagination and planning, we could create opportunities for them to be paid to battle at the front line of what the government calls "big society"?
• Robert Ashton is a social entrepreneur, best selling business author and increasingly a Big Society troubleshooter
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