Saturday, July 16, 2011

Unthinkable? Encouraging squatting | Editorial

Faced with rising homelessness and high rents, the government has dreamed up a brain-bending wheeze – criminalising people who put empty buildings to use. Back in the day, squatters enjoyed protections derived from a 1381 act of parliament, as well as an ancient common law right to claim land on which no rent had been claimed for a dozen years. But in recent decades things have got tougher, thanks both to restrictive legislation and the great push to register land, which protects owners against forgetting about property they no longer use. Now, disused buildings are to gain more decisive priority over people seeking shelter. In a speech drafted to delight the Sun, back in the distant days of last month when this was a priority, David Cameron ripped up Ken Clarke's sensible prison plans, re-roasted the old Tory chestnut about blasting at burglars, and then – for good measure – pledged a new squatting offence. This week, a green paper emerged, which dripped with the embarrassment of the officials who'd been ordered to write it. Its "impact assessment" acknowledged the risk of vulnerable people being made destitute. Of course homeowners need to know they won't be powerless if they get back from the shop and find an army of crusties have moved in – but they already have this assurance. No law will stop squatters trying, until the need for affordable housing is met. Until then, instead of waving sticks, ministers should find ways to foster the responsible filling of empty homes.

View the original article here

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